
生まれ変わった超大型MMORPG『LEGEND of CHUSEN 2 -新世界-』サービス開始!

シーアンドシーメディアは、2つの世界が織り成すMMORPG『LEGEND of CHUSEN 2 -新世界-』のサービスを開始しました。

画像5枚:『LEGEND of CHUSEN 2 -新世界-』

『LEGEND of CHUSEN 2 -新世界-』は、仙人族が暮らす地上世界を描いた「LEGEND of CHUSEN -誅仙-」の続編で、太古の昔より封印された「神域」「神の末裔達」が復活した世界を描


また、サービス開始時には、お rmt 価格相場

(C)2007-2010 Global Insight Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

LEGEND of CHUSEN 2 -新世界- 公式サイト
超大型MMORPG『LEGEND of CHUSEN 2 -新世界-』新要素が明らかに
『LEGEND of rmt
CHUSEN -誅仙-』の続編となる新タイトルがついに決定!
『LEGEND of CHUSEN -誅仙-』夏の大型アップデート「王者帰還」を実装!
禁足地を解放!『LEGEND of CHUSEN』6月にダンジョン「幻月洞」実装

引用元:RF online Z 総合サイト


50 habits of children their lives will be so beautiful

50 habits of children their lives will be so beautiful

1, the visible effect, the following method, to prevent the elimination of 30 consecutive nasolabial days you can try.
1 to do the mouth, cheeks, Zhang 2, the movement of the mouth, tongue drum and arrival cheeks push.
Two. All of the movements of five consecutive times, four times a day.
To prevent a detailed methodology nasolabial
More than three consecutive one in the mouth, tongue and left the House of Representatives from top left, clockwise massage point of the inner lips.
1. Started a massage from the tongue.
Two. Click the lips, tongue, switch to the right.
Three. Lips and tongue, and then switch to the left.
Four. Tongue was eventually transferred to the lower lip.
Tip 2: Elimination of nasolabial Massage


Lu Yi Sun Mad collector cards, "Second Life" - arcade mop

"Second Life" as its own land Guangzhou Lee, "Business Class" online games to break the rules of traditional online games and game dare, 2D development system, the design of the card game is a bright spot in a major online game to establish a new battle mode.

Function as one system running a single thread of the entire game, as well as cards, registration of professional credentials are still friends, travel, trade, trade, real estate, and other important aspects of combat play a role. After a long time player game experience can be worked through various channels of the card.

Each card is a strange feature has a unique, limited-edition card as a unique concept which is a form to get a card game is also dream of gamers.

Second Life "official site" click (www.chinacfy.com / index.html) for more information about the latest trends in the game and is ready to join the gathering cards now, your precious bar displays some of the cards!

Reborn experience, master, "Second Life"!

"Second Life" official site: www.chinacfy.com / index.html to

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